Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

The power of Wordware is in its flexibility. Every flow you create can be deployed as a standalone Wordapp, which you can share with anyone, anywhere. Every deployed Wordapp is both a standalone application and an API, allowing both humans and software to effortlessly interact with your creations.

Deploying your flow


Click Share

Start by opening the share dropdown, by clicking the “Share” button on the editor.

Share button


Select “Public” to share your flow with the world, or “Private” to keep it to yourself and other members of your organization. Then click “Deploy”.


Check it Out

Play with your deployed app in the app page, see details about your new deployment on the deployment page, view documentation to access your app via API, or set pre-filled inputs for faster and easier demos and development.

Post-share Options

Now for some API

Check out the API documentation to see how you can interact with your Wordapp programmatically.

Access the API

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Make some changes to your flow, and deploy it again to see your changes in action. Each release of your app is versioned, and every version has its own URLs and IDs, so you have effortless control over which version you’re using where, and when it’s time to push an upgrade to production.

Update Versions

You’ve got a live app. Edit and re-release as many times as you like, and share it with the world. You can even embed your Wordapp in your own website or app, or call your apps as functions within your code to add AI to your existing projects.

Or you can just appreciate the beauty of your creation, and the power of Wordware to make it happen.

Turtle App

Check these out next

Here are some next steps you may want to take to get the most out of Wordware: